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Throne Defender

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Welcome to a medieval world where you need to survive. It will require lots of skills and effort. You will have to build your kingdom from scratch. But from where to start if you have nothing? Look around – there are a lot of resources you can extract. And the most important thing is that once you complete your fortifications – you will be attacked by enemies who dream of capturing your possessions.

How to play?

Do not worry if you are confused about where to start. You will receive step-by-step instructions on what to do. At first, you must install an elixir collector. Then you must build a town hall and some barracks for your future army. It is vital to buy enough units to protect your place from hostile hordes. But besides building, you should also expand your kingdom. Get enough troops and do not hesitate to attack the neighboring territories. Each victory will bring you rewards that you can spend on further construction and buy more warriors. Have fun!

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