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Clash of Clans

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Welcome to a thrilling strategy game where all events unfold in real-time. According to the plot, you will have to build a village for your clan so that it can live peacefully. But it will not be as simple as it looks at first glance. The way to a happy life is full of the most unbelievable trials and adventures. Are you ready to dive into this endless flow of thrilling events and insane missions? Then let’s not waste time!

A little about the gameplay

The player needs to build his base, extract and accumulate some resources, train his warriors, fend off enemy’s attacks and try to attack them back. The first few battles take place in single player mode, but quite soon, the user finds himself in multiplayer mode. Now you will have to join a clan and start attacking the bases of your opponents. You will be able to deal with four main types of resources – gold, elixir, black elixir and crystals. The first three you can get when constructing certain buildings and crystals are given for particular achievements during the gameplay. It is crucial to build defenses and maintain an army, otherwise, you will not be able to resist the attacks of enemies and your settlement can be easily robbed and ruined. There are no restrictions here – you can build a really powerful base and expand it by conquering new territories without a stop!

Interact with other players

This game will make the player complete a lot of different missions. Roughly, you will have to advance in two directions. The first one is building – there are lots of different constructions you can build in the game. These will serve as protection for your base and will also bring you nice bonuses and resources. The other task is the creation of your own army. You will have to build it from scratch – all units need to be bought. There are fourteen different types of warriors in Clash of Clans, and each of them comes with different skills. You must put together all types of strong warriors and then lead them to your enemy’s territories and capture them. When you start to play in coop mode, you will be able to communicate with other players in real time. For this, the developers added a chat function – you can correspond in a global chat of the game and also interact with the players belonging to your clan. In general, you will go through lots of thrilling adventures and quests. You will love this amazing entertainment!

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