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Clash of Clans 2022

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Millions of players from all over the world enjoy Clash of Clans. It was released back in 2012, but the interest in it is still strong. This exciting game will make you an owner of a kingdom and a powerful army. You will build a settlement and create a powerful force to protect it and fight for its expansion. The gameplay is very engaging, and the developers never stop making it even more attractive. You will continuously discover something new here and have even more fun.

Enjoy new features!

As you already know, you can build your village and strengthen it with all sorts of walls and other defensive fortifications. The recent updates allow you to easily improve the design of your settlement and switch between several maps inside it. You can go from your farming corner to the army barracks and even zoom them in or out. The player needs to create a full-fledged facility with the main structure – a town hall. Then you need to add resource-generating structures and some barracks for your army units. There is a wide range of different types of fortifications and warriors you can get. But you will need to accumulate enough resources to purchase it. You can earn these by extracting gold and elixir and by participating in fierce clan battles.

Make your army invincible!

You will not advance in this project without a strong army. There are several types of warriors in the menu. Your task is to accumulate enough funds to get enough units of each type. Besides, you will need to continuously train them to become stronger. There first battles in the game are very basic, and they are based on artificial intelligence. But as you move on, all the confrontations become more complicated, and you need to develop a workable strategy for both defense and attacks. You will continuously find new updates to train your army more efficiently. Do not stop improving your forces and participate in thrilling PvP battles in real life.

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