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Clash of Orcs

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Welcome to a fantastic world where you will dive into a crazy confrontation of different groups of orcs. You will meet several types of dark creatures – these are skeletons, ogres, trolls, minotaurs and even dragons. Your main mission is to capture and destroy the tower of your opponents. At the same time, you need to protect your own land and tower. You will have to break through the wall of your enemies and then reach the tower. But be very careful as your adversaries will try to do the same!

Find the most efficient strategy!

You will not be able to use all your army at once. You will see the cards of different warriors on the screen, and you can choose some of them from this deck at a time. Here, your strategy is decisive. At first, release a few strong hand-to-hand units. After it, involve more powerful characters. The more hostile units you destroy in a battle, the more points you earn. Then, you will be able to spend on upgrading your own characters. Kill your enemies and get their bones as trophies!

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